Product Overview
What it is:
This New Age Skin Revitalizing Precursor Gel Mist is very a unique and exclusive nicotinamide riboside and vitamin B12 complex tailored to help supplement the decline in the enzyme's activity of the skin. 

Who it is for:
This gel mist is suitable for all skin types.

What it does:
This gel mist plays a very important role to help prepare your skin to receive the utmost nutrition within the Precursor regimen and to help super hydrate your skin at the same time. This formula has been created to help increase and nourish the vitality level of skin and to help to improve the appearance of youthful and healthy skin. The more you use it, the more it will help leave your skin with renewed translucency and youthfulness. Energy means everything in relating to our overall healthier, younger and purer appearance.

What is included:
• New Age Skin Revitalizing Precursor Gel Mist (100ml)
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