Product Overview
What it is:
VitaDetox is a detoxification supplement that has been developed to help individuals cleanse and detoxify their organs.

What it does:
VitaDetox is an all-around detox formula that helps to improve the internal health of all the major organs of excretion. It was formulated by Naturopathic Doctor Janine Bowring, well-known author of The Healthy Millionaire, based on over ten years of clinical experience with detoxification protocols with her patients. The formulation of VitaDetox is unique in that it contains herbal medicines, which have shown to help detoxify the main internal organs.

What else you need to know:
• This configuration was created exclusively for The Shopping Channel and it's only available here
• VitaDetox™ contains nature's best nutrients without synthetic vitamins, minerals or fillers; it is essentially seven detoxes in one convenient and easy-to-take capsule

What is included:
• (4) VitaTree™ VitaDetox™ (60 Capsules each)
Supplement Schedule
About the Brand

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