Product Overview
What it is:
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our bodies and vitally important to nearly all our cellular functions. If calcium is deficient, it can slow our metabolism, decrease cellular functions, and cause a buildup of toxicity in your body.

Who it is for:
This product is ideal for everyone.

What it does:
Calcium is essential for allowing our boy to produce more alkaline. As we age, our blood becomes acidic, which causes a loss of calcium from your bones, into the blood to act as a buffer. If calcium is deficient, it can slow our metabolism, decrease cellular functions, and cause a build-up of toxicity in our bodies.

What is included:
• VitaTree Whole Food Calcium 30-Day Supply

Auto Delivery:
Auto Delivery ensures you get today's great value with every shipment! You will receive this product every 30 days with shipping & handling on all shipments.

This product is also available in a Single Shipment.
Supplement Schedule
About the Brand

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