Product Overview
What it is:
VitaMucil contains psyllium seed husk, the most beneficial portion of the psyllium plant, as a fibre source and cholesterol-lowering agent. VitaMucil does not contain any synthetic fillers, colours, sweeteners, gluten, casein, preservatives, soy or dairy.

Who is it for:
This product is suitable for anyone who needs an extra boost of fibre in their diet.

What it does:
VitaMucil is a whole-food fibre supplement that provides a gentle laxative effect. It works by gently sweeping the insides of the intestines to release built-up debris on the intestinal walls. VitaMucil is considered a bulking agent as it expands in the digestive tract when mixed with fluids.

What is included:

• (2) VitaTree 60-Day VitaMucil

Auto Delivery:
Auto Delivery ensures you get today's great value with every shipment! You will receive this product every 60 days with shipping and handling on all shipments for up to two years.

Easy Pay®:
The price of your first Auto Delivery shipment will be spread over two interest-free monthly payments (taxes will be added to your first payment). Your remaining shipments will require full payment at the time they are shipped to you.

About the Brand
Auto Delivery

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